Food manufacturers are now able to measure very small amounts of listeria bacteria in food
26. May 2022
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(Forskning.no) The new method is so sensitive that it can show whether the food will remain safe throughout the shelf life, even if a raw material should contain traces of the bacterium.

Podcast: SensiList: New technology for safe food and less food waste
15. May 2022
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Listeria er et stort problem for matvareindustrien. I tillegg er det veldig spesielle retningslinjer for listeria i mat i forhold til grenseverdiene. Seniorforsker ved Veterinærinstituttet og ekspert på Listeria Taran Skjerdal så et problem som måtte løses.

SensiList: From conception to commercialization
15. May 2022
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Listeria bacteria are feared because they can cause severe food poisoning when the amount becomes too high.